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Baby walker good or bad – pros and cons of baby walker

If I am not wrong, You are probably wondering about the Danger of Baby Walkers. And you want to know is the baby walker good or bad? I hope this article will make you pass a heads up that elaborately answers your question.


How to know baby walker good or bad for your baby

Well to decide this you have to know the pros and cons of the Baby Walker


Pros Of A Baby Walker?

  • The walker helps the baby to move about in an upright posture, and it offers the baby greater mobility.
  • The baby might find it a novel, exciting and entertaining. They may enjoy the perception of freedom and the ability to view things from various angle. The baby might also be pleased to be in the walker and entertain him or herself.
  • Baby walker keeps the baby occupied and out of trouble. It also keeps him/her away from a specific corner and items of the house.
  • Although baby walker can help your baby in various ways. But you have to be careful about safety. Make sure that you have shut down the upstairs gate. Also keep dangerous things out of the reach of your baby like wire or wires, any, etc. Don’t forget toilets, baths, pools, and other water sources.

Cons Of Baby Walker?

  • Injury concern is the most significant reason why you should avoid baby walker. According to a report, 14,000 children under age fifteen months get injured due to the baby walker.
  • Don’t tell your kid to walk. It will not hurry the walking process. Your baby will walk naturally.
  • Baby walker keeps your baby from crawling, and this is not good. Because crawling can teach your baby specific motion skills and it also improves distance perception.
  • It can influence a child to walk on the tiptoes that might be harmful because it prevents the improvement of the Achilles tendon and balancing in your child. As a result, the individual walking style which is developed later can be abnormal.


Tips For Buying A Baby Walker

  • If you have decided to let your baby learn walking through baby walker then here are some crucial factors you should remember.
  • Pick a walker which enables your baby to move smoothly. If the baby walker is too heavy or poses too much friction on the ground as a result of its lousy finishing, then it may result in more injuries, or the baby may get frustrated to use it later on. He might also shout the moment you place him at the walker instead of enjoying it.
  • Always Pick a walker which has a wide base. Because it’s a function which prevents falling. It also blocks your baby from entering doorways resulting in places that they should not enter anyway.
  • Also make sure that the baby walker has extra security features like wheel locks, seat straps, etc. Those features will make the baby walker safe to ride on.
  • Watch out for the materials that are used in the baby walker. And make sure that from non-toxic material and non-toxic paints.
  • Search for manufacturing flaws or bad finishing sign like uneven borders, uncomfortable stitching on the seat. Also, look for easy to come off little parts of the walker that can harm the baby.

Read More: How to help baby walk independently





Research indicates that there are just two factors which make a baby walker much dangerous. Number one they increase the mobility of a baby. And usually most of the walker doesn’t have, and they run around 1 meter per minute. Number two, the baby is unreasonably raised from the floor, which makes it hard for the baby to know he’s walking.

So now the question “is baby walker good or bad for your baby”? Well, there was a time when everybody was talking about the safety measures of the baby walker. But now the time has changed, and some particular modification has cut the dangers of injury to a great extent. Staying with your baby when he/she is using a baby walker can be a great idea. Including toy food and food, a tray can ease your job. It is right that Baby walker does not help your baby to walk sooner or help your baby walking quicker. But it certainly makes walking fun and enjoyable.


Frequently Asked Question



It’s has been confirmed that walkers don’t help babies learn to walk, they could delay the development of walking. The reason behind this is baby walkers permit infants to maneuver around before they’re prepared. Their legs are always hanging, putting additional stress on their shoulders and spine.



Hip dysplasia in babies isn’t painful. So, this may go unnoticed until walking age and might also lead to painful arthritis during maturity. Some kinds of baby carriers and other equipment can conflict with the favorable hip position.



At a minimum, a baby has to have the ability to hold up his head without the support and put his feet touch the ground to work with a walker. Children between 4 to 16 months can use a baby walker. Children who can walk already shouldn’t use a baby walker.



Many people today feel that baby walker are helpful because of their infants, to amuse them and help guide them to walk. But this isn’t correct. Baby walkers could be harmful and may delay your child’s walking improvement. Baby walkers make it more difficult for your child to walk and decrease their muscle growth.


So far, I have discussed on whether Baby walker good or bad for your child. If you think that I have missed something then please don’t hesitate to let me know by commenting below. I hope this post will help you to understand how to use the baby walker for your baby.

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