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Mastering Remote Work with a Little One: Tips from Experienced Parents

It’s a challenge: trying to juggle your career as a working parent and the daily demands of raising a baby – all while avoiding losing your cool and sanity in the process. Working from home with an infant can seem like an impossible task! But if you take it one step at a time, set realistic expectations, and remember that there is no “perfect” way to approach this situation, then you’ll find success in managing both work life and family life together. Here are some helpful tips on how to work from home while caring for your little one.

What is Working from Home and Why is it Becoming More Popular?

Working from home, or remote work, refers to the practice of performing job tasks outside of a traditional office environment. This can involve a variety of arrangements, including working full-time from home, working part-time from home, and part-time in an office.

The popularity of remote work has soared in recent years, with several reasons contributing to this trend. For many, the flexibility provided by working from home is a major draw – offering employees the opportunity to better balance work and personal responsibilities, reduce commuting times, and ultimately improve their overall quality of life. For parents with a baby, working from home comes with a unique set of benefits and challenges.

How To Work From Home With a Newborn?

Balancing childcare and professional responsibilities simultaneously can be tricky. The upsurge in remote work has made it a common scenario for many parents. Tackling these challenges requires a mix of patience, adaptability, and inventive strategies. In this section, we delve into practical strategies and seasoned advice for effectively managing your workload while ensuring your baby receives the love and attention they need.

Time Management

Time management is your new best friend. The key is to create a schedule that works for both you and your baby. Here are a few tips for handling your work schedule while prioritizing the needs of your child:

  • Break your day into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Take advantage of naptime for focused work
  • Create a daily routine for your baby
  • Set aside specific times for meal breaks, playtime, and work tasks

Maintaining a Professional Work Environment

One key to success is creating a professional work environment in your home. This means setting up a designated work space, dressing appropriately (at least from the waist up for video calls!), and minimizing distractions as much as possible. Of course, with a baby in the mix, there are bound to be some interruptions and unexpected moments. Follow these tips:

  • Invest in noise-canceling headphones
  • Mute your microphone during conference calls when not speaking
  • Keep your workspace clean and organized
  • Use a virtual background during video calls to maintain privacy and hide potential messes
Parent working on laptop at home office with baby playing nearby.
Finding balance: A glimpse into a day of working from home with a baby

Keeping the Baby Entertained and Happy

A happy baby leads to a productive workday. One of the biggest hurdles of remotely working parents is figuring out how to keep the babies entertained and happy. Babies, as we all know, can get bored easily and require constant attention. So, what can you do to keep them busy?  Here are some tips for keeping your child entertained during work hours:

  • Schedule playtime to give your baby focused attention
  • Invest in age-appropriate toys and baby gear (play yards, activity centers, educational apps)
  • Rotate between toys and activities to maintain interest and prevent boredom
  • Consider hiring a part-time babysitter or arranging playdates to give yourself a break

Handling Interruptions, Noise, and Distractions

Remote working with a baby takes multi-tasking to a whole new level. Not only do you have the demands of your job to attend to, but you also need to juggle the needs of your little one. Interruptions, noise, and distractions are inevitable, but there are ways to manage them. Follow these tips to maintain focus and reduce interruptions:

  • Set clear expectations with your employer/team about your availability and potential interruptions
  • Develop hand signals with older children to communicate when you are busy
  • Use white noise machines or calming music to create a peaceful environment

Establishing Boundaries between Work and Personal Life

You need to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. It can be tempting to answer emails while feeding or take a phone call during playtime, but it’s important to have designated work hours and personal time. This way, both you and your little one can benefit from undivided attention and you can avoid feeling guilty or burning out. It’s also a good idea to communicate your schedule and needs with your employer or clients, so they understand and respect your boundaries.. Here are a few suggestions to help you set clear boundaries:

  • Stick to a consistent work schedule and communicate this schedule to your supervisor and coworkers.
  • Designate time for work-related tasks and be sure to set aside dedicated time for parenting responsibilities. 
  • Establish no-distraction zones around your home so that you can focus on parenting without interruption. 
  • Learn how to say “no” when necessary.
Parents Discussion
Real Life Experience By Remote Working Mother

Screenshot taken from- Working from home with baby : r/workingmoms (

Establish a routine

With a routine in place, you’ll not only manage your workload effectively but also tend to the needs of your little one. Depending on your work schedule, it’s important to set aside blocks of time to feed, play, and rest with your baby. Creating a routine takes time and patience but once you have it down, it’s a game-changer in managing the chaos that comes with working from home with a baby. Remember, your routine doesn’t have to be perfect, just make it work for you and your baby.

  • Wake up early: Try waking up before your baby to have some time for yourself. This will give you the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee, catch up on emails, or simply get your day started without distractions.
  • Schedule regular breaks: Prioritize taking short, regular breaks to check on your baby and enjoy some quality time together. This can help recharge your energy levels and improve productivity.
  • Designate a bedtime: Stick to a set bedtime for your baby so that you’re aware of when your focused, undisturbed work hours will take place.

Create a designated workspace

A designated workspace is key to navigating through your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be grand or elaborate, but creating a specific space to focus on work can be a significant game-changer. Set up a small table or desk, and make sure you equip it with all the essentials: a reliable computer, a comfortable chair, and all the necessary supplies

  • Choose a dedicated space: Set up your workstation in a spot that is separate from your baby’s play or sleep areas. It will also cut out background noise when you need to concentrate
  • Keep it organized: Having an organized workspace will let you focus on your tasks and save time by not having to search for items you need throughout the day. Keep essentials like a laptop, notepad, and any necessary supplies within easy reach.

Invest in the right baby gear

Remotely working parents may make things run a bit smoother by investing in the right baby gear. Without the proper equipment, the constant care your little one requires may prove too much of a distraction. A quality baby carrier or swing can help keep your little one entertained while you work. An excellent noise machine or humidifier may also make a big difference in establishing a tranquil work environment.

  • Baby monitor: A quality baby monitor can give you peace of mind, allowing you to keep an eye on your child while you work.
  • Playpen: A playpen or baby gate can create a safe play area for your little one, giving them some independence while ensuring their safety.
  • Comfortable carrier: A baby carrier or wrap can allow you to keep your baby close while still having your hands free to get some work done.

Seek help when needed

Don’t hesitate to ask your partner, family members, or friends for support when needed. Collaborating with your support system can help take some of the burden off and allow you to dedicate more time to your work.

  • Utilize family members: Ask close family members if they can take shifts watching your baby.
  • Hire a babysitter: If you have the means, hiring a babysitter can give you some much-needed time away from parenting responsibilities.
  • Enroll in daycare: Daycare centers provide structured learning and play activities that can benefit both your child’s development and your own productivity.
  • Join a parent’s group: Look for local support groups where you can connect with other parents and share tips on managing work and parenting.
  • Reach out for online resources: The internet is full of helpful articles, podcasts, and videos that can give you advice on how to balance work and parenting. You may even find virtual support groups for remote-working parents.
Working parent with childcare assistance
The balance of work and childcare with assistance

Screenshot taken from: How do you manage a work-from-home job being a new mother of an infant? – Quora

Take care of yourself

While it’s tempting to try to power through a workday without taking breaks or neglecting your own needs, it’s crucial for both you and your baby’s wellbeing to prioritize self-care. Whether it’s taking a 10-minute break to stretch, having a healthy snack, or simply taking a minute to breathe, making sure that you’re taking care of your own mental and physical health can make all the difference.

  • Setting realistic expectations: Recognize that you won’t be able to do it all and try to prioritize your tasks accordingly. 
  • Making time for self-care: Schedule in moments for yourself throughout the day to take a break and recharge.
  • Creating boundaries with work: Make sure you are clear about when your working hours end so that you can focus on parenting obligations without feeling guilty. 
  • Connecting with friends: Reach out to friends or family members for support when you need it. 
  • Seeking professional help: If needed, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health provider who can provide advice on how to manage the stress of balancing work and parenting.

Manage expectations (yours and others)

It can be difficult to manage both work and parenting responsibilities, so it’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself and to communicate them with your supervisor or coworkers. Be honest with yourself about what you can realistically accomplish while also taking care of a little one. Don’t set yourself up for failure by taking on too much or expecting too much of yourself. Similarly, let your colleagues or clients know upfront that you have a baby at home and may need to adjust your schedule or work around naps and feedings. Being transparent about your situation can help prevent misunderstandings and alleviate stress Here are a few tips:

  • Understand your limits: Know that you won’t be able to do everything all the time and prioritize tasks accordingly. 
  • Be upfront about your needs: Clearly communicate what you need to be successful in managing both work and parenting responsibilities.
  • Set limits on availability: Let coworkers know when you are available to answer emails or take calls so that they don’t expect a response outside of those times. 
  • Be flexible in emergency situations: Emergencies happen and it’s important to be flexible when necessary. 
  • Be respectful of deadlines: Make sure you are meeting deadlines so that your coworkers don’t have to pick up the slack.

Never compromise on the baby’s needs

Balancing work and parenting is all about prioritizing your needs and those of your baby. No matter how demanding work becomes, it’s important to never compromise on the needs of your child. Here are a few tips for making sure that baby’s needs come first: 

  • Schedule in time for feeding: Make sure you are scheduling in regular time for bottle feeds, breastfeeding sessions, or naps. 
  • Create a calm environment: Make sure the space is free of distractions so that the baby can relax and focus on feeding.  
  • Make time for play: Give yourself a break from work to focus on enjoying special moments with your child.
  • Know your child’s cues: Be aware of how the baby is communicating and be sure to take care of needs as they arise. 
  • Schedule breaks for yourself: Don’t forget to make time for yourself so that you can recharge.
Baby sleeping peacefully during work hours.
Make the most of nap time: A peaceful moment for parents working from home.

Leverage nap times

One tactic you can use to make the most of your workday is to leverage nap times. When your little one is napping, take that time to get your most important tasks done. Use that precious window of time to power through those emails, make important calls, or work on a project without interruption. Here are a few ways to maximize your productivity during these windows:

  • Prioritize tasks: Tackle your most important tasks during your baby’s nap times when you’re less likely to be interrupted.
  • Batch smaller tasks: Group smaller tasks together and complete them in a single block during your baby’s nap time.
  • Use a timer: Set a timer or use a productivity app like the Pomodoro Technique to efficiently manage your time.

Practice multi-tasking

As a working parent, learning to effectively multi-task can be a valuable skill. This means doing more than one thing at once, like responding to emails while your baby is napping nearby or taking a phone call while playing with your little one on the floor. It might take some practice, but with time, you’ll learn how to balance your work duties with taking care of your baby. So, go ahead and give it a try! Here are a few tips: 

  • Learn to prioritize: Make sure you get the most important tasks done first and delegate other tasks as needed. 
  • Make use of free time: Take advantage of any short pockets of free time throughout the day to get important tasks done. 
  • Set aside specific times for work: Dedicate certain hours of the day for work-related tasks and shut off any distractions during this time. 
  • Break down big tasks into smaller ones: Get organized by breaking larger projects into smaller, manageable chunks. 
  • Take short breaks in between tasks: Give yourself short breaks throughout the day to relax and reset. 

Be kind to yourself

It is very easy for working parents to feel overwhelmed with all the demands of work and parenting. So, you need to take time for self-care so that you don’t become too overwhelmed or exhausted. Here are a few tips: 

  • Set aside time for yourself: Make sure you are taking time off to do something that brings you joy. 
  • Eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep: Fuel your body with nutritious food and make sure you are getting enough rest. 
  • Make use of technology: Take advantage of helpful apps and tools to simplify parenting tasks. 
  • Lean on your support system: Build a strong network of family and friends who can help you with childcare when needed. 
  • Talk to someone about your stresses: Don’t be afraid to ask for help if the demands of work and parenting become too much.

Take advantage of Technology

The good news is technology can help make it easier for work-from-home parents. Video conferencing platforms connect you face-to-face with colleagues, without leaving your space. Project management tools keep everyone on the same page. You can use apps like Slack for real-time communication, scheduling apps like Trello to keep track of work projects, and social media management tools like Hootsuite to streamline all your social media pages. The key is to explore the vast array of technology out there to find what works best for you and your family!

  • Make use of online calendars: Use an online calendar to keep track of appointments, deadlines, and other important dates. 
  • Look for apps that can help with parenting: Take advantage of apps that can help you keep track of baby’s feeding, sleeping, and diaper-changing schedules. 
  • Utilize cloud storage: Use cloud storage to store documents and files so that they are easily accessible from any location. 
  • Streamline communication: Use online collaboration tools to stay in touch with colleagues and keep track of progress. 
  • Find virtual childcare solutions: Look for virtual babysitting services that can help you manage childcare needs when needed.

Create a Backup Plan

No matter how well you think you’ve planned, things can fall apart in an instant. To keep yourself from being blindsided, it’s important to create a backup plan. Think about what you’ll do if the baby has a meltdown during an important call or if you need to take them to the pediatrician unexpectedly. Having contingency measures in place will give you peace of mind and increase your ability to remain focused during work hours. Here are a few tips: 

  • Have a backup plan in place: Put together a list of reliable individuals who can provide childcare if needed. 
  • Plan ahead for sickness: If your child gets sick, look into alternative work arrangements so that you can take care of them. 
  • Communicate your needs: Talk to your employer about any potential conflicts between work and parenting responsibilities. 
  • Be flexible: Make changes to your schedule if needed. 
  • Prioritize family time: Make sure that you are carving out enough time for family activities and quality bonding.
  • Have a plan in place for power outages: Make sure you have a backup generator or battery-powered lamp ready to use during any unexpected power outages. 
  • Keep reliable Wi-Fi on standby: Have a backup router at the ready in case the main Wi-Fi connection goes down.


Working from home with a baby can be an incredibly fulfilling experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s a simple task. Being able to juggle all the different duties and responsibilities that come with parenting while trying to maintain focus on work can often feel like an impossible feat.

By planning ahead, managing expectations, and implementing helpful mechanisms like setting boundaries and making use of technology, however, parents can make their home office dreams a reality. And at the end of the day, it’s totally worth all the hard work – you now get to enjoy the priceless moments of raising your little ones at home while still being able to contribute financially to your family!

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